With the increased number of souvenir hunters and talented amateurs, jade jewelry is becoming more popular than ever before. However, things have greatly changed over time because a couple of years ago, it was quite easy to buy jade jewelry cheaply in various places like Taiwan and Hong Kong. This means it is currently cumbersome to get a cool deal of jade. This is due to jade limitations, of lower quality, which has continued to flood the current market. This has left very few genuine bargains in the market. Now, this savvy lead will help you navigate the current market and buy a piece of good jade jewelry.

To start with, the term jade means two gemstones, nephrite, and jadeite, which are separated. These two stones were to be one stone up to the mid-1800s. Currently, although both stones are grouped as jade, it is good to note that they have unique uses as well as properties. Between the two, jadeite is quite rare to be found, which naturally means they are costlier and the good thing about it is, it is available in different colors. Nephrite on the other hand is quite common and this means it is more affordable. However, it is amazing to know that nephrite is more robust than jadeite and has a denser structure than that of jadeite.

As a customer of jade jewelry, it is good to have tips on how to evaluate jade jewelry. In this, you need to now different jade jewelry isn’t created equally. This means if you are not keen enough, finding high-quality jade jewelry can be a tough task for anyone. Here, you should for the best jade which in this case should be translucent, should have a good smooth touch and of vibrant color. This means, whenever you are doing the evaluation of jade jewelry, the critical aspects to consider should be color, texture, and transparency. The color aspect in jade jewelry selection is quite imperative where it can occur in black and white and can also be available in various rainbow colors. It is additionally good to note that imperial jade is the most coveted jade, it is also the costliest and the most sought.

Finally, it is good to choose a reputable jade jewelry store so as to be sure that you will get a piece of high-quality jade jewelry that will make you get the best value for your cash. Discover more about the best jade jewelry at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jade .